The Gate of Autumn

There are only days left before Summer officially forfeits her crown to Autumn. Today a cold front has bellowed in on the wings of wind & rain and I am here standing at the gate, a peaceful pause near the end of summer's path, ready to cross the threshold (splash in puddles as I do so) and frolic on the golden, glittered, foggy & shadowy paths that Autumn bestows upon us. As Summer loses her throne as Queen she'll become the court jester, in jewels & harlequin, teasing & mocking us with memories of warm golden sun, hills drenched in green, and perfect bites of a ripe tomatoes. Come winter she'll dance buttery yellow jigs in our snowy minds, singing "don't you miss me now?" But this is the cycle of courtly life and she'll be Queen again one day. Until then, let us try to be good royal subjects to Majestic Autumn, for she is so good to us.
