Wild Tales: Gray Fox Epistles

Let me introduce you to a wonderful tale-teller. Her name is Sylvia Victor Linsteadt. She is the fertile mind behind Gray Fox Epistles and the Leveret Letters (stories especially for children). Gray Fox Epistles are stories sent to you by mail by subscription, monthly. The stories are wild and wonderful, well-written, and packaged up nicely. They are quite a treat to receive by post. You may purchase just one month or sign up for a subscription. They are mailed out each month on the new moon and cost 10$ per month.
I have received two: "The Seal Lion Woman of Olina" and "Desert Isis." Both tales were lovely, mystical, meaningful stories. Sylvia's stories are steeped in myth, folklore, and a deep respect and love for the world of nature. You should be encouraged to read your Gray Fox Tale in the woods, or on a beach, or a desert valley. They are just as suited to a dark room lit by warm, crackling fire. Probably best if read aloud, the way stories were once read, the way stories like to be told. One of these stories would make a great gift (what a surprise it would be).
Each tale is accompanied by a tidbit of information about the myth that inspired the tale as well a short, handwritten blessing from Sylvia. She also writes a blog post that delves deeper into the myths and inspirations connected to each tale. Best of all, little things glitter out of the envelope when opened like rose petals, bits of wool yarn, sagebrush leaves - things that have kept the tale company across the many miles it has traveled. It's been a long journey - open and enjoy.....
Sylvia's Lovely Blog @ http://theindigovat.blogspot.com/
More information @ http://wildtalewort.com/
